Daycare Rates & Requirements
Daycare Pricing:
Daily Visit (Cash/Check) $30
Daily Visit (Credit/Debit) $33
Daily Visit Multiple Dogs $25 Each Dog
Daily Visit Walk-Ins $40
Daycare Requirements:
An application must be sent in so an orientation can be scheduled in order for your pup/s to attend daycare.
$15.00 fee to hold orientation time slot as spaces can be limited will not be refunded if appointment is canceled.
Please avoid bringing children and dog treats to orientations.
If you have multiple dogs, if possible please bring another person to the orientation.
All dogs 6 months and older must be spayed/neutered to stay in daycare. If they are not, they are welcome to return after their spay/neuter appointment!
We require that all dogs must be crate trained or open to crate training.
Vaccination Requirements:
Vaccinations must be sent in with online application or by email before an orientation can take place. These can be clear photos of your paperwork or emailed directly to us from your family vet.
For the health and safety of all daycare dogs the following vaccinations must be updated yearly in order to attend daycare:
Flea, tick, and heartworm should also be kept current.
Drop Off Times: 7-9 AM Monday-Friday
Pick Up Times: 2-6 PM Monday-Friday
REMINDER: An orientation must be completed before we can schedule your daycare appointments. Thank you!